Step By Step Instructions Generate Ssh Key Github

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Step By Step Instructions Generate Ssh Key Github Average ratng: 3,7/5 4020 votes

Install Prerequisites

Sep 09, 2017  In the beginners guide to SSH Keys, I cover what an SSH Key is, how it works and why you would use them. The tutorial covers how easy it is to setup an SSH key. Generating Your SSH Public Key. In order to provide a public key, each user in your system must generate one if they don’t already have one. See the GitHub. Jan 30, 2019 Please note that the steps and instructions. This will generate a new SSH key. Click the “Add SSH key” to complete the process of adding the SSH key to your Github account. Adding your SSH key to the ssh-agent. Before adding a new SSH key to the ssh-agent to manage your keys, you should have checked for existing SSH keys and generated a new SSH key. When adding your SSH key to the agent, use the default macOS ssh-add command, and not an application installed by macports, homebrew, or some other external source. Step by step instructions to add SSH key files in Bitbucket or Github - Add SSH Key to Bitbucket OR Github in Ubuntu Generate the SSH key. Aug 22, 2017  You can generate and set up an SSH key for github so that you don't need to always type your username and password when you push. All you need is git bash (o. Mar 14, 2020 In the toolset configuration we’ll be using, our IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) will be communicating with GitHub via SSH (“secure shell”); we’ll also be communicating with GitHub via SSH from a command line. To do this, we need a private key that can be used to encrypt data, and GitHub needs a matching public key. In this environment preparation step, you’ll generate that pair of keys,.

All the commands in this guide require both the Azure CLI and aks-engine. Follow the installation instructions to download aks-engine before continuing or compile from source.

For installation instructions see the Azure CLI GitHub repository for the latest release.


aks-engine reads a cluster definition which describes the size, shape, and configuration of your cluster. This guide takes the default configuration of one master and two Linux agents. If you would like to change the configuration, edit examples/kubernetes.json before continuing.

The aks-engine deploy command automates creation of a Service Principal, Resource Group and SSH key for your cluster. If operators need more control or are interested in the individual steps see the 'Long Way' section below.

NOTE: AKS Engine creates a cluster; it doesn't create an Azure Container Service resource. So clusters that you create using the aks-engine command (or ARM templates generated by the aks-engine command) won't show up as AKS resources, for example when you run az acs list. Think of aks-engine as the, er, engine which AKS uses to create clusters: you can use the same engine yourself, but AKS won't know about the results.

After the cluster is deployed the upgrade and scale commands can be used to make updates to your cluster.

Gather Information

  • The subscription in which you would like to provision the cluster. This is a uuid which can be found with az account list -o table.
  • Proper access rights within the subscription. Especially the right to create and assign service principals to applications ( see AKS Engine the Long Way, Step #2)
  • A valid service principal with all the required create/manage permissions. Instructions to create a new service principal can be found here.
  • A dnsPrefix which forms part of the the hostname for your cluster (e.g. staging, prodwest, blueberry). The DNS prefix must be unique so pick a random name.
  • A location to provision the cluster e.g. westus2.


For this example, the subscription id is 51ac25de-afdg-9201-d923-8d8e8e8e8e8e, the DNS prefix is contoso-apple, and location is westus2.

Call of duty 4 cd key generator free download. Run aks-engine deploy with the appropriate arguments:

aks-engine will output Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates, SSH keys, and a kubeconfig file in _output/contoso-apple-59769a59 directory:

  • _output/contoso-apple-59769a59/azureuser_rsa
  • _output/contoso-apple-59769a59/kubeconfig/kubeconfig.westus2.json

aks-engine generates kubeconfig files for each possible region. Access the new cluster by using the kubeconfig generated for the cluster's location. This example used westus2, so the kubeconfig is _output/<clustername>/kubeconfig/kubeconfig.westus2.json:

Administrative note: By default, the directory where aks-engine stores cluster configuration (_output/contoso-apple above) won't be overwritten as a result of subsequent attempts to deploy a cluster using the same --dns-prefix) To re-use the same resource group name repeatedly, include the --force-overwrite command line option with your aks-engine deploy command. On a related note, include an --auto-suffix option to append a randomly generated suffix to the dns-prefix to form the resource group name, for example if your workflow requires a common prefix across multiple cluster deployments. Using the --auto-suffix pattern appends a compressed timestamp to ensure a unique cluster name (and thus ensure that each deployment's configuration artifacts will be stored locally under a discrete _output/<resource-group-name>/ directory).

Note: If the cluster is using an existing VNET please see the Custom VNET feature documentation for additional steps that must be completed after cluster provisioning.

The deploy command lets you override any values under the properties tag (even in arrays) from the cluster definition file without having to update the file. You can use the --set flag to do that. For example:

AKS Engine the Long Way

Step 1: Generate an SSH Key

In addition to using Kubernetes APIs to interact with the clusters, cluster operators may access the master and agent machines using SSH.

If you don't have an SSH key cluster operators may generate a new one.

Step 2: Create a Service Principal

Kubernetes clusters have integrated support for various cloud providers as core functionality. On Azure, aks-engine uses a Service Principal to interact with Azure Resource Manager (ARM). Follow the instructions to create a new service principal and grant it the necessary IAM role to create Azure resources.

Step 3: Edit your Cluster Definition

AKS Engine consumes a cluster definition which outlines the desired shape, size, and configuration of Kubernetes. There are a number of features that can be enabled through the cluster definition: check the examples directory for a number of.. examples.

Edit the simple Kubernetes cluster definition and fill out the required values:

  • dnsPrefix: must be a region-unique name and will form part of the hostname (e.g. myprod1, staging, leapingllama) - be unique!
  • keyData: must contain the public portion of an SSH key - this will be associated with the adminUsername value found in the same section of the cluster definition (e.g. 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABA..')
  • clientId: this is the service principal's appId uuid or name from step 2
  • secret: this is the service principal's password or randomly-generated password from step 2

Optional: attach to an existing virtual network (VNET). Details here

Note: you can then use the --set option of the generate command to override values from the cluster definition file directly in the command line (cf. Step 4)

Step 4: Generate the Templates

The generate command takes a cluster definition and outputs a number of templates which describe your Kubernetes cluster. By default, generate will create a new directory named after your cluster nested in the _output directory. If my dnsPrefix was larry my cluster templates would be found in _output/larry-.

Run aks-engine generate examples/kubernetes.json

The generate command lets you override values from the cluster definition file without having to update the file. You can use the --set flag to do that:

The --set flag only supports JSON properties under properties. You can also work with array, like the following:

Step 5: Submit your Templates to Azure Resource Manager (ARM)

  • To enable the optional network policy enforcement using calico, you have to set the parameter during this step according to this guide
  • To enable the optional network policy enforcement using cilium, you have to set the parameter during this step according to this guide
  • To enable the optional network policy enforcement using antrea, you have to set the parameter during this step according to this guide

Note: If the cluster is using an existing VNET please see the Custom VNET feature documentation for additional steps that must be completed after cluster provisioning.

Checking VM tags

First we get list of Master and Agent VMs in the cluster

Once we have the VM Names, we can check tags associated with any of the VMs using the command below

Being new to training ML models using Google Cloud VM instances, I faced issues where my ssh connection to the cloud instance (using either the clound web-based ssh client or using cloud shell) would disconnect from time to time (for example when I power off my laptop or the network gets disconnected) which would terminate the model training process. Therefore I searched for a ssh client that can handle disconnection and can resume connection without disrupting the process running on the server and came across with Mosh mobile shell, a remote terminal app that supports roaming.

It took me a while to figure out how to set up a third party ssh terminal using the google cloud OAuth. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step By Step Instructions Generate Ssh Key Github

Update: a simpler alternative for persisting remote sessions

Since this writing, another Mosh user kindly advised me that using terminal multiplexer could achive my use case mentioned above but with much less effort, I tried and it works like a charm, thanks Jan! Here's how:

'For the use case you mentioned, it's probably more convenient to use tmux. It's a terminal multiplexer, so you can disconnect from the machine but keep your terminals open. To start it, run 'tmux'. You know you’re in tmux if you see a green status bar at the bottom. Start your ML training program like you normally would, then press ctrl+b, then d. You should see something like [detached (from session 0)]. Now you can disconnect from the machine, and your program will keep running. If you want to check back on its progress, log back in and type 'tmux attach'. Now you can detach again, close the terminal or run another command. It's very convenient.'


You should have created a Google Cloud VM instance (Compute Engine) and be able to ssh into the instance using the cloud, using cloud console.

I'm using MacOS Hign Sierra, but OS version shouldn't matter much.

Enable OS login

This step allows compute GCP to generate SSH keys automatically based on Google OAuth, so we don't need to generate ssh keys manually. Alternatively we could manually setup public and private ssh keys to manage the connection (see doc), but it might break the web-based ssh connection or cloud shell access.

In my case, I've granted access for my user account, which is part of the organization.

Install gcloud SDK and ssh into remote instance using gcloud command to generate public and private ssh keys

Then run the following command from mac terminal to access to cloud instance

When you connect for the first time, there will be a browser popup that asks which google account to use for authentication. Make sure to choose the same user account that was granted access in the previous OS login step. This allows the gcloud command line to generate public and private ssh keys that will be used to access the remote server.

Once connected, type exit to logoff the ssh session. You can now find the public and private ssh keys stored under ${HOME}/.ssh/

To test that the ssh keys are properly setup, run the following command from the mac terminal. Make sure to use your user account and cloud instance external IP address, in the format of youremail_gmail_com@external_ip

Install Mosh on client (your Mac) and on server (Google cloud VM instance)


Download the mac package and install. After installation, test by running mosh-client in mac terminal.


Remote access to server using gcloud command line

And install depending on your VM instance OS following the instructions, for Debian, run

Once installed, run mosh-server to test server installation.

Allow UDP connections on Google cloud VM instances

Mosh server-client will establish UDP connections using ports 60000 - 61000, so we need to allow these connections by configuring the firewall rules on cloud.

  • In the google cloud web console, go to VPC network -> Firewall rules settings page
  • Create a rule named allow-mosh-udp with the following settings

Generate Ssh Key Windows

Connect to remote server from Mac terminal using Mosh

Finally, you should be able to connect to cloud server using Mosh roaming connections from your mac terminal, using a command such as the following:

Voila, now you can run your model trainings for hours on your cloud instances without worrying about any ssh disconnections, and when it's reconnected, you can get back to previous state before the disconnection, as if you are working in front of the remote server.

Generate ssh key windows

Adding Ssh Key To Github

I hope this guide is useful for other people like me who are new to google cloud / ssh. If you have any questions or have a better way of making cloud ssh access robust and roamable, leave a comment here or shoot me an email at

Step By Step Instructions Generate Ssh Key Github Free

Happy machine learning and Moshing!😄âx9D¤ï¸x8F